Newt's Blueroom Archive Searcher
Messages Imported : All Files
Version 2.0 - May 2002
- I think searching for multi words now works (e.g. eye of)
- A BlueRoom image is displayed at the top of each webpage
- The display individual message doesn't work...Does now :-)
- Still got a case sensitive problem...Fixed that now as well (08-Jun-2002)
Version 1.0 - 27 May 2001
After some testing, I found some obvious mistakes:
- Undid the re-optimization of the database schema, and improved the SQL logic behind instead
- Re-wrote the searching to allow matching on whole words or partial words
- Indented old text in messages
Version 0.1 - 22 Apr 2001
- Added message at end of "Display Search Details" screen for how long the search took. This sometimes displays incorrect details...
- Re-optimized the database schema
- Attempted to improve the display...
- Re-wrote the searching based on whole words only